
Yeedi Mop Station 3-in-1 Robot Mop and Vacuum Cleaner

 99,000 price_excl_tax

Yeedi Mop Station 3-in-1 Robot Mop and Vacuum Cleaner, Automatic Washing of Mops

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The Yeedi Mop Station is a 3-in-1 robot that combines vacuuming, mopping, and self-emptying capabilities. It is designed to automate the cleaning process and provide convenience in maintaining your floors. Here is some information about the Yeedi Mop Station 3-in-1 Robot:

  1. Vacuuming Function: The robot is equipped with powerful suction capabilities to effectively clean various types of flooring, including hardwood, tile, and carpets. It can pick up dirt, dust, pet hair, and other debris from your floors.
  2. Mopping Function: In addition to vacuuming, the Yeedi Mop Station has a mopping function. It uses a water tank and mopping pad to damp mop the floors, removing stains, and leaving them clean and shiny.
  3. Self-Emptying Capability: The Yeedi Mop Station is equipped with a self-emptying base station. After completing its cleaning cycle or when the dustbin is full, the robot will automatically return to the base station to empty the collected dirt and debris into a larger dustbin. This feature reduces the frequency of manual emptying and maintenance.
  4. 3-in-1 Design: The Yeedi Mop Station’s 3-in-1 design eliminates the need for separate vacuuming, mopping, and dustbin emptying tasks. It can perform all these functions automatically and efficiently, saving you time and effort.
  5. Smart Navigation: The Yeedi Mop Station typically features advanced navigation systems, such as laser mapping or visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). These technologies enable the robot to map and navigate your home intelligently, avoiding obstacles and cleaning every corner effectively.
  6. App Control and Scheduling: The robot can be controlled and programmed through a mobile app, allowing you to start, stop, or schedule cleaning sessions remotely. The app also provides real-time monitoring, cleaning history, and customization options for different cleaning modes.
  7. Voice Control and Smart Home Integration: The Yeedi Mop Station is often compatible with popular smart home systems, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. This allows you to control the robot using voice commands and integrate it into your existing smart home ecosystem.

It’s important to refer to the specific product documentation or manufacturer’s information for detailed instructions on setup, usage, and maintenance of the Yeedi Mop Station 3-in-1 Robot.

Additional information

Weight 15000 kg


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