Firni Khas

 116 price_excl_tax

Firni Khas 155g

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Fauji Firni Khas is a popular dessert in South Asian cuisine, particularly in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. It is a type of rice pudding made with ground rice, milk, sugar, and sometimes flavored with cardamom or other spices. To make Fauji Firni Khas, ground rice is first soaked in water for a few hours or overnight, then blended with a small amount of milk to form a smooth paste. The remaining milk is then boiled with sugar and any desired spices, such as cardamom, until the sugar is dissolved and the milk is slightly thickened. The rice paste is added to the milk mixture and cooked, stirring constantly, until the pudding thickens and the rice is fully cooked. It is then poured into serving bowls or cups and chilled until set. Fauji Firni Khas can be garnished with chopped nuts, such as almonds, pistachios, or cashews, as well as with raisins or saffron threads, for added flavor and texture. It is typically served cold and makes for a refreshing and satisfying dessert, especially during hot weather.


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