
Fruzo Potato Sticks

 200 price_excl_tax

Fruzo Potato Sticks 12 Pcs Pack

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Fruzo Potato sticks are a type of snack made from thinly cut and deep-fried potato strips. They are similar to French fries but much thinner and more crispy. Potato sticks are often seasoned with various flavors such as salt, pepper, paprika, or other spices to enhance their taste.

They are a popular snack option in many countries and are commonly found in grocery stores, convenience stores, and as a part of snack assortments. Potato sticks can be enjoyed on their own as a quick and tasty snack or served alongside other dishes as a side or appetizer.

It’s worth noting that the term “potato sticks” may be used by different brands or in different regions to refer to various types of potato-based snacks. Some brands might have specific products marketed as “potato sticks” with their unique flavorings and packaging. As always, for the most accurate and up-to-date information, it’s best to check with local stores or the product’s manufacturer.


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